The basic purpose of evaluation is to determine how well an agency is accomplishing its mission and how to make improvements. The three usual forms of inspections are line inspections, spot inspections and staff inspections.
Managers who provide the most immediate direction of subordinates should do the evaluation. Purposes of evaluation include promoting common understanding of individual performance levels, needs, work objectives and standards; providing feedback and suggesting specific courses of action to take to improve, including training needs; and setting objectives for future performance. Evaluation may also help identify departmentwide training needs and make decisions about promotions, reassignments, disciplinary actions and terminations. Ultimately, the purpose of performance evaluation is to improve employee performance.
Job standards make it easier for employees to meet requirements and for managers to determine whether they have been met. Standards may include areas such as physical energy to perform and emotional stability while performing law enforcement tasks; individual judgment, reliability, loyalty and ability to get along with the public, fellow employees and managers; creativity and innovation; attitude; knowledge of tasks; competence; and amount of management required. By-the-numbers evaluation makes evaluation more objective by using a numerical scale for each dimension.
Evaluation should have consequences. Those who rate highly might be considered for promotions, special assignments or pay raises. Those who rate below the acceptable range might be given counseling; training; a demotion; salary reduction; probation; or, in extreme cases, termination.
Among the types of performance evaluations available to managers are ratings by individual traits or behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS); group or composite ratings; critical incident ratings; narrative, essay description; overall comparison ratings; composite ratings; and self-evaluation.
Performance interviews are private, one-on-one discussions of the performance appraisal by manager and subordinate. The performance appraisal interview should help employees do their jobs better and therefore improve individual performance and productivity. The most common recommendation for frequency of performance appraisals is twice a year and more frequently for employees performing below expectations.
Some problems of performance appraisals are lack of faith in appraisal systems, lateinning results count most, inaccurate numerical or forced-choice methods, unfair percentage ratings, rating personality rather than performance and rating at the extremes.
In addition to citizen ratings, the department should conduct a self-assessment, perhaps through a committee established for this purpose. It might also consider seeking accreditation, which consists of meeting a set of standards established by professionals in the field authorized to do so. Currently, accreditation may be granted by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) or by some state agencies. Discussion questions for final week:
Please post your response and respond to two of your classmates postings.
1. Search the Internet and find an article on evaluation in law enforcement. You might find it under different names, for example, performance appraisals or assessment. Summarize the article, and include the full reference citation.
2. If you were going to design your own promotional test what factors would you use?
3. What would you do to make sure you get the right candidate for promotion?
4. Many of us joke about “cops and doughnuts”. Do you think that fitness should be an aspect of evaluation? If you make it a requirement how would you help officer’s maintain fitness levels?
2. What I would use to design a promotional test within an agency is the knowledge of the field because many individuals are not up to date on what’s taking place in the department and the community, etc. Also the candidates understanding of the position they are qualified for. That’s all I have, if anything else comes to mind, I’ll add more.
3. I would evaluate the person’s records in and out of the workplace. Possible references from the community and officers in the department.
4. Yes yes and yes! Who’s to say that someone I promote is not physically fit and is on next level to disease due to his or her weight. That person may not be able to perform their job as they did the first time they applied for the job. So what I would do is have a nutritionist and fitness coach come speak twice a year about the importance of staying in shape. That way that individual is aware of about the importance of it not solely for their job but their health as well.
2. Factors I would use to design my own promotional test would be extensive knowledge of the job description. That person must know the job inside and out. They must be able to tell me how to do the job and not just show me. Another factori would use is the length of time that the person has been with the agency
3.I would do a all out investigation of the candidate. i would meet with them persoanlly and do like a whole new interview. I would not only ask questions related to the job but also personal questions.
4.I think I would try to set up an account with a local but accessible gym so that the officers can get their membership at a flat or discounted rate. i would also have a few of the officers who are into fitness and nuetrition and work out on a regular basic, i would hire them also as like a part time personal trainer to the other officers and them sessions at the gym. officers wouls also be required to to past a physical fitness test annually
1.) Officer Johnson fulfills all of her commitments. she effectively follows up her assignments and promptly meets all of her responsibilities and duties. Officer Johnson is unusually decisive in handling difficult problems and makes sound decisions under pressure. Officer Johnson makes an effort to better understand the needs and requirements of her job and as no problem with the policies and procedures. Reference www.Evaluation on Law
2.) I would design a comperhenisive test which will include basic knowledge and skills that is associated with that promotional area only.
3.) I would evaluate that indiviuals work habbits; such as how wellthat person communicates with others if he or she is reporting to work on time; working up to the agencies standers; understanding the codeof conduct; look at pervious evaluations.
4.)"YES" Fitness such be and aspect of evalutaion. The officers will maintain thier fitness level by taking and annual fitness training course. who to say that a crime is being committed and it turns out to be a foot chase and the person gets away because the officer was to slow do to he or she being out of shape; that will not look good for the department. who wants to have officers employed at their department that can not preform up to the agencies standers.
2. If I were to design my own promotional test within the Dept. the factors that I would use would be the experience and knowledge that go together with what’s going on in the field that the candidates should know about. We don’t want candidates applying for the position just because they think they are qualified, but we as Administration need to assure ourselves that we are making the right decision and what better way to have this test that demonstrates it.
3. Besides the candidate taking the promotional test, I would meet with them and tell them what’s expected of them in this new position. Also, I would analyze all of their past evaluations and records from inception. I think I would also like to hear opinions from others in the workplace.
4. Definitely, fitness should be an aspect of evaluation. It’s not right for me to promote someone that will not be able to properly carry out their duties because of their fitness limitations. It’s a very important factor that should be considered thoroughly when promoting especially in law enforcement. The way I would help officers to maintain a fitness level is to have extensive physical training at least twice a year. Also, have them take nutritional classes, so that they can better understand to eat healthier and that whay they are eating is affecting them, such as “doughnuts.”
1. The article that I found is titled Performance appraisal: a different approach. FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The, April, 1994 by Dennis B. Anderson. The web site is The article states that the performance review process for all involved maybe a headache but it sholud not be. it says tha when superisors do the reviews that they make the mistake and use the "rearview approach" which means that they look at past performances. it also states that supervisors may not understand that the performance reviw process is just that a process so they go in it with an attitude.
I totally agree with your response in reference to the fitness levels of the officers. Your example of an officer that has to chase down someone and they get away because the officer was to slow due to their weight, was a good example. Yet, as we are discussing this I have noticed that there are many officers out there that are out of shape, lot's, lot's of them. I wonder if they were hired like that or at some point they ended up out of shape without noticing and what are the Dept.'s doing about it.
The article aslo says that supervisors should know that employees deserve respect. Supevisors should not be wooried about the organization's bottom line and keeping the end-of-the-year bounus money in their pockets that they forget to treat employees like human beings. also supervisors will use evaluations to target their employees' weaknesses. the article also states they should emphasize strengths on which the employee can build. To accomplish this, the appraisal process should follow a performance management cycle.
Jackie you are totally right when you said that canidates will apply just because thry think that they are qualified. To add to that is canidates might think that they can just get a promotion absed on who they know. and that is another reason why promotion must be looked at to it fullest extent and making sure that the canidate is fully qualified and not just getting the promotion because his father held they same position or that his brother is the mayor.and he has absolutely no knowledge of what he is suppose to do
1. The name of the article I found is “Alternative Measures of Police Performance.” The article was written by Gary T. Marx ( This article basically talks about the fact that performance evaluations are generally not well developed in law enforcement and the factors on which officers may have little to do with what officers actually do while on patrol. The author states how, “Performance evaluation is used more to punish failure, than to reward success and to make inter-individual, rather than inter-unit comparisons.” It mainly focuses on ways for a Dept. to better improve their performance evaluations and base them on other factors that such the performance part.
I know what you mean Tameka. A lot of people these days think they can get a promotion just because of who they know inside. You have a lot of the suck-ups too that think that because they are always in back of the boss they will get to the top someday. It really should not be based on that, but unfortunately the way things run now a days its is like that. And you don't see this only in the Police Dept.'s but everywhere else too. Promotions should be based on what you know and the capabilities you have to carry out those new duties.
2. If i was going to design my own promotional test i would use a knowledge assessment test and hands-on skill assessment test. The knowledge test would be based on what they know about their current position and the position they're trying to be promoted to. The hands-on test would include all the skills they would need to have to be successful on the next level, which is the promotion.
Thanks Carole I posted my article with the wrong group I don't know understand what happen, I was talking to Mindy this morning ?????
Here is my article group 1
________________________________________________________________________ Anderson, D. (n.d.). Performance appraisal: a different approach | FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, The | Find Articles at BNET. Find Articles at BNET | News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from;col1 ________________________________________________________________________
The term “performance appraisals” makes both supervisors and employees uneasy. Performance appraisals act as a measurement of goals and objectives to be measured for their effectiveness and success. Unfortunately, performance appraisals tend to be missed used as a means of comparison of current goals and objects with past performances.
In the article “Performance Appraisals: A Different Approach”, written by Dennis Anderson, much criticism is given towards failure of realization by supervisors towards the understanding of performance appraisals being “just a process”. Anderson states that performance appraisals should be designed to encourage productive procedures these actions be maintained throughout the year. The overall goal of performance appraisals “is to improve performance”. Anderson also states that supervisors should not target weaknesses of their employee; instead they should emphasize on the employee’s strengths and build upon them. He further states that in order to accomplish this task successfully the appraisal process should follow a performance management style.
The Performance Management Cycle should start with the supervisor defining roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the employee. Next, both the supervisor and the employee should set specific goals that are to be achieved by the employee. These goals should reflect the employee’s roles and responsibility that was originally defined. Through the process the supervisor should encourage the employee, monitoring their performance periodically and administering correct and necessary feedback as well as making revisions when necessary. Lastly, the supervisor should have performance reviews with the employee. The reviews should be scheduled regularly and continue until all goals have been obtained or the year has ended.
The success of the performance management cycle is dependent on the ability of the supervisor and the employees to effectively work together. Realistic goals should be established, and strengths and improvements made in once weak areas should be recognized. Most importantly, “employees should be evaluated on their performance not on their personal characteristics”.
3. To make sure I get the right candidate I would interview the candidates and use the elimination process. I would eliminate potential candidates by using their score charts and intense interviews. I would check their records to see how their performance been on their current position. The candidate with the best credentials will get the position.
Sorry, Good Morning all, I am really trying to make this blogging work for me. I have been trying all morning. Thanks to Tamika, I think I am in business.
4. I truly feel officers should always stay in shape. I agree with Mindy, officers should physically stay fit and eat healthy daily. You can have a cheat day or two just make up the junk food day by putting in extra exercise or a day you make your day you really eat healthy. If you can't do it on your own join a gym or find a nutrition plan.
4. I think that fitness is so important to carry out the duties and task of an Officer. If you are not healthy then you not may be as efficient as a police officer. I would make it an requirement to do a physical evaluation once every year. I would encourage all officers to work out and stay fit.
Natalie i totally agree with evaluating work habits and examining previous records. I believe the habits they were doing on their previous job, they will continue to do on their potential job.
The Role of Performance Appraisal Systems in Community Policing.
The goals of performance appraisal systems are to ensure employees are aware of the expectations of the agency and asses their action and performance accordingly. To have a successful community policing the agency use their performance appraisal system to reflect community policing measures. In order it to be successful the officer should be familiar with the community and the people who work and live there. Agencies with the system create an instrument so officers know the expectations. The system also points out what areas need training. Supervisors also play a big role in it. Their responsibility is to translate the values of community policing into expectations and then evaluate the officers’ performances in meeting them. A performance appraisal system that reflects community policing can establish the level of service in an agency and it can inform planning, performing, reporting and training.
1. The psychological fitness-for-duty evaluation FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The, August, 2007 by Laurence Miller;col1
If supervisors suspect that personality disorders cause a problem to your performance level as a an FBI Law Enforcer, then coaching, counseling and treatment has failed. They now will give a psychological fitness evaluation. Through this exam agencies hope to determine if the person is psychologically capable of remaining on the job.
Mindy there are a lot of officers today that can not perform up to part do to them being over weight; Example i saw and officer trying to arrest a juvenile, by the time he tried to place the handcuffs on him; the officer was out of breath i wonder why? i found out later that the youth made the officer run three blocks before he was able to catch him.
2.The factors I would consider on a promotional test are the candidate applying for the position should know the job description. Be able to explain, demonstrate, and provide examples on how to perform the job duties. Have the qualifications needed for the position for example degree, because nowadays a degree weights more than seniority in my opinion. The test will include basic knowledge skills that the candidate should know (from the present position) and skills needed to know for the new position applying for
3. First of all, evaluate the individual, know their strength and weakness. Identify if the person selected will perform the job well, for example know if they are responsible, and if he/she knows how to resolve things in the job area, report to work on time. Review past evaluation, and extensive background investigation. Recommendations, review the recommendations.
4. Yes, the police officer’s they should be in shape, they have to be in shape to perform their duties, for example if there is a chase and the suspect runs the officers have to run after the guy but if the officer is fat not in shape I think never ever he/she would catch the suspect. I think they should be evaluated once or twice a year so that they understand that they have to be in shape and learn how to eat healthy. The agency should encourage them to stay in shape. Let them know gyms exist so that they can go and work out and have the body needed to perform their duties.
Tyler i agree on encouraging all the officers on working out and staying fit, what about eating healthy? encouage the officers on eating the right foods by allowing them to take a nutrition couse annually and knowing how to not only saying fit, but knowing how to eat heathly also.
Temake we all know in this day and time it's about who you know and not what you know! however one needs to know that business is business and they can not become confused about that.
1.Article Measuring the Performance of Law Enforcement Agencies The article is about how evaluations are performed and how they sometimes are not well developed. That not all the info necessary or all the work performs by the officers is not being considered in the evaluations, which sometimes place them in a low job performance evaluation. Michael O’Neill and some colleagues developed the Police Program Performance Measurement system. They included some dimensions to their measurement system: crime prevention, crime control, conflict resolution, general service, police administration, apprehension of offenders, responsiveness of police, guarantee safety in public spaces, reduce criminal victimization just to mention few of their elements considered when performing an evaluation. The article states that police agencies should picture the evaluations out of the box too, because they tent to analyze the information their own way not who the public will interpret their evaluations.
Mindy, I agree with you, officers they have to be in shape to perform their duties. When they re at the academy they are models in excellent shape years after the story is different. That is why I think they have to be encouraged to maintain their shape. The annual physical evolutions should be consider by police agencies.
Tyler, I agree totally agree with your post for question #3 the elimination process is a good tool because you know what candidates are the good ones for the position until you get to the right one. Also checking their records is excellent because their you can find information that could help decide on the right candidate or provide you with information that could lead you to eliminate a candidate, because of hiding information .
Tameka and Jackie, I agree with your post it is normal to know that someone got promote because of their friends or influent people they know inside, it’s a shame because most of the time talent people do not get the chance to demonstrate their knowledge and skills for those positions, we are in a world where laws are created and broken at the same time, well this happens everywhere. It’s sad to admit but its reality.
Hello Jackie, yes you have a lot of individuals that suck-up, brown nose,kiss up to the boss and thinking that some day or one day they will be that special canidate for the positon or promotion.again one needs to know the promotion is base on work performance and qualifications. NOT KISSING-UP TO YOUR BOSS!!!!!!
4. I believe promotions should stay in-house first. I would evaluate candidate job performance and I agree with Mindy as well check reference inside and community accomplishments. Attendance is important and I would interview the person to make sure goals and missions apply toward the position and the department.
Everyone do take very good care of your families and yourself!!! May god continue to bless each of you for ever more. and remember do your best and GOD will do the rest.
Well kissing up is a waste of time. Speaking for myself no matter what I do promotion is a problem. As long as the job is completed there is no need to promote. I have done it all I even made coffee. Kissie, kisses well I was the donkey...So I stop kissing, no coffee,no party planner, no covering for people behinds. I do my job actually I am the only one that really oversee my office. I work with college students which I enjoy dearly but I stop over do it. I am seeking my degree because i know It will make my life better and when I recieve my BA ????.I hate to say it but it is the truth with my exeperince man are more understanding then woman, its a power thing.
I would like to thank you, Dr. Kalam, for an informative semester. I like your teaching strategy and i thank you for your expertise on management and policing. I'm looking forward to having another term as your student. Happy Holidays and God Bless.
You were on target with your postings. Please challenge yourselves to find and summarize the article. It will teach you the value of research and you will benefit in your future studies.
To all-stay focused and persistent and you can accomplish anything.
Welcome to our Asynchronous Blog for DSC1006 Introduction to Homeland Security. You should respond to the questions and follow the instructions from our class meetings on Saturday.
The basic purpose of evaluation is to determine how well an agency is accomplishing its mission and how to make improvements. The three usual forms of inspections are line inspections, spot inspections and staff inspections.
ReplyDeleteManagers who provide the most immediate direction of subordinates should do the evaluation. Purposes of evaluation include promoting common understanding of individual performance levels, needs, work objectives and standards; providing feedback and suggesting specific courses of action to take to improve, including training needs; and setting objectives for future performance. Evaluation may also help identify departmentwide training needs and make decisions about promotions, reassignments, disciplinary actions and terminations. Ultimately, the purpose of performance evaluation is to improve employee performance.
Job standards make it easier for employees to meet requirements and for managers to determine whether they have been met. Standards may include areas such as physical energy to perform and emotional stability while performing law enforcement tasks; individual judgment, reliability, loyalty and ability to get along with the public, fellow employees and managers; creativity and innovation; attitude; knowledge of tasks; competence; and amount of management required. By-the-numbers evaluation makes evaluation more objective by using a numerical scale for each dimension.
Evaluation should have consequences. Those who rate highly might be considered for promotions, special assignments or pay raises. Those who rate below the acceptable range might be given counseling; training; a demotion; salary reduction; probation; or, in extreme cases, termination.
Among the types of performance evaluations available to managers are ratings by individual traits or behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS); group or composite ratings; critical incident ratings; narrative, essay description; overall comparison ratings; composite ratings; and self-evaluation.
Performance interviews are private, one-on-one discussions of the performance appraisal by manager and subordinate. The performance appraisal interview should help employees do their jobs better and therefore improve individual performance and productivity. The most common recommendation for frequency of performance appraisals is twice a year and more frequently for employees performing below expectations.
Some problems of performance appraisals are lack of faith in appraisal systems, lateinning results count most, inaccurate numerical or forced-choice methods, unfair percentage ratings, rating personality rather than performance and rating at the extremes.
In addition to citizen ratings, the department should conduct a self-assessment, perhaps through a committee established for this purpose. It might also consider seeking accreditation, which consists of meeting a set of standards established by professionals in the field authorized to do so. Currently, accreditation may be granted by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA) or by some state agencies.
Discussion questions for final week:
Please post your response and respond to two of your classmates postings.
1. Search the Internet and find an article on evaluation in law enforcement. You might find it under different names, for example, performance appraisals or assessment. Summarize the article, and include the full reference citation.
2. If you were going to design your own promotional test what factors would you use?
3. What would you do to make sure you get the right candidate for promotion?
4. Many of us joke about “cops and doughnuts”. Do you think that fitness should be an aspect of evaluation? If you make it a requirement how would you help officer’s maintain fitness levels?
2. What I would use to design a promotional test within an agency is the knowledge of the field because many individuals are not up to date on what’s taking place in the department and the community, etc. Also the candidates understanding of the position they are qualified for. That’s all I have, if anything else comes to mind, I’ll add more.
ReplyDelete3. I would evaluate the person’s records in and out of the workplace. Possible references from the community and officers in the department.
4. Yes yes and yes! Who’s to say that someone I promote is not physically fit and is on next level to disease due to his or her weight. That person may not be able to perform their job as they did the first time they applied for the job. So what I would do is have a nutritionist and fitness coach come speak twice a year about the importance of staying in shape. That way that individual is aware of about the importance of it not solely for their job but their health as well.
I'm still looking for an article which is quite a challenge.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mindy. Keep looking for an article.
ReplyDeleteYou post very intersting and appropriate comments (and funny too).
2. Factors I would use to design my own promotional test would be extensive knowledge of the job description. That person must know the job inside and out. They must be able to tell me how to do the job and not just show me. Another factori would use is the length of time that the person has been with the agency
ReplyDelete3.I would do a all out investigation of the candidate. i would meet with them persoanlly and do like a whole new interview. I would not only ask questions related to the job but also personal questions.
4.I think I would try to set up an account with a local but accessible gym so that the officers can get their membership at a flat or discounted rate. i would also have a few of the officers who are into fitness and nuetrition and work out on a regular basic, i would hire them also as like a part time personal trainer to the other officers and them sessions at the gym. officers wouls also be required to to past a physical fitness test annually
Good Morning,
ReplyDelete1.) Officer Johnson fulfills all of her commitments. she effectively follows up her assignments and promptly meets all of her responsibilities and duties.
Officer Johnson is unusually decisive in handling difficult problems and makes sound decisions under pressure.
Officer Johnson makes an effort to better understand the needs and requirements of her job and as no problem with the policies and procedures. Reference www.Evaluation on Law
2.) I would design a comperhenisive test which will include basic knowledge and skills that is associated with that promotional area only.
3.) I would evaluate that indiviuals work habbits; such as how wellthat person communicates with others if he or she is reporting to work on time; working up to the agencies standers; understanding the codeof conduct; look at pervious evaluations.
4.)"YES" Fitness such be and aspect of evalutaion. The officers will maintain thier fitness level by taking and annual fitness training course. who to say that a crime is being committed and it turns out to be a foot chase and the person gets away because the officer was to slow do to he or she being out of shape; that will not look good for the department. who wants to have officers employed at their department that can not preform up to the agencies standers.
2. If I were to design my own promotional test within the Dept. the factors that I would use would be the experience and knowledge that go together with what’s going on in the field that the candidates should know about. We don’t want candidates applying for the position just because they think they are qualified, but we as Administration need to assure ourselves that we are making the right decision and what better way to have this test that demonstrates it.
ReplyDelete3. Besides the candidate taking the promotional test, I would meet with them and tell them what’s expected of them in this new position. Also, I would analyze all of their past evaluations and records from inception. I think I would also like to hear opinions from others in the workplace.
4. Definitely, fitness should be an aspect of evaluation. It’s not right for me to promote someone that will not be able to properly carry out their duties because of their fitness limitations. It’s a very important factor that should be considered thoroughly when promoting especially in law enforcement. The way I would help officers to maintain a fitness level is to have extensive physical training at least twice a year. Also, have them take nutritional classes, so that they can better understand to eat healthier and that whay they are eating is affecting them, such as “doughnuts.”
1. The article that I found is titled Performance appraisal: a different approach.
ReplyDeleteFBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The, April, 1994 by Dennis B. Anderson.
The web site is
The article states that the performance review process for all involved maybe a headache but it sholud not be. it says tha when superisors do the reviews that they make the mistake and use the "rearview approach" which means that they look at past performances. it also states that supervisors may not understand that the performance reviw process is just that a process so they go in it with an attitude.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your response in reference to the fitness levels of the officers. Your example of an officer that has to chase down someone and they get away because the officer was to slow due to their weight, was a good example. Yet, as we are discussing this I have noticed that there are many officers out there that are out of shape, lot's, lot's of them. I wonder if they were hired like that or at some point they ended up out of shape without noticing and what are the Dept.'s doing about it.
The article aslo says that supervisors should know that employees deserve respect. Supevisors should not be wooried about the organization's bottom line and keeping the end-of-the-year bounus money in their pockets that they forget to treat employees like human beings. also supervisors will use evaluations to target their employees' weaknesses. the article also states they should emphasize strengths on which the employee can build. To accomplish this, the appraisal process should follow a performance management cycle.
ReplyDeleteJackie you are totally right when you said that canidates will apply just because thry think that they are qualified. To add to that is canidates might think that they can just get a promotion absed on who they know. and that is another reason why promotion must be looked at to it fullest extent and making sure that the canidate is fully qualified and not just getting the promotion because his father held they same position or that his brother is the mayor.and he has absolutely no knowledge of what he is suppose to do
ReplyDeleteSonya, you posted under Group #3 you're in group #1
ReplyDelete1. The name of the article I found is “Alternative Measures of Police Performance.” The article was written by Gary T. Marx (
ReplyDeleteThis article basically talks about the fact that performance evaluations are generally not well developed in law enforcement and the factors on which officers may have little to do with what officers actually do while on patrol. The author states how, “Performance evaluation is used more to punish failure, than to reward success and to make inter-individual, rather than inter-unit comparisons.” It mainly focuses on ways for a Dept. to better improve their performance evaluations and base them on other factors that such the performance part.
I know what you mean Tameka. A lot of people these days think they can get a promotion just because of who they know inside. You have a lot of the suck-ups too that think that because they are always in back of the boss they will get to the top someday. It really should not be based on that, but unfortunately the way things run now a days its is like that. And you don't see this only in the Police Dept.'s but everywhere else too. Promotions should be based on what you know and the capabilities you have to carry out those new duties.
ReplyDeleteNatalie that was funny I can picture someone on call and can't perform because they are out of shape.
ReplyDelete2. If i was going to design my own promotional test i would use a knowledge assessment test and hands-on skill assessment test. The knowledge test would be based on what they know about their current position and the position they're trying to be promoted to. The hands-on test would include all the skills they would need to have to be successful on the next level, which is the promotion.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carole
ReplyDeleteI posted my article with the wrong group I don't know understand what happen, I was talking to Mindy this morning ?????
Here is my article group 1
Anderson, D. (n.d.). Performance appraisal: a different approach | FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, The | Find Articles at BNET. Find Articles at BNET | News Articles, Magazine Back Issues & Reference Articles on All Topics. Retrieved December 12, 2009, from;col1
The term “performance appraisals” makes both supervisors and employees uneasy. Performance appraisals act as a measurement of goals and objectives to be measured for their effectiveness and success. Unfortunately, performance appraisals tend to be missed used as a means of comparison of current goals and objects with past performances.
In the article “Performance Appraisals: A Different Approach”, written by Dennis Anderson, much criticism is given towards failure of realization by supervisors towards the understanding of performance appraisals being “just a process”. Anderson states that performance appraisals should be designed to encourage productive procedures these actions be maintained throughout the year. The overall goal of performance appraisals “is to improve performance”. Anderson also states that supervisors should not target weaknesses of their employee; instead they should emphasize on the employee’s strengths and build upon them. He further states that in order to accomplish this task successfully the appraisal process should follow a performance management style.
The Performance Management Cycle should start with the supervisor defining roles, responsibilities, and expectations of the employee. Next, both the supervisor and the employee should set specific goals that are to be achieved by the employee. These goals should reflect the employee’s roles and responsibility that was originally defined. Through the process the supervisor should encourage the employee, monitoring their performance periodically and administering correct and necessary feedback as well as making revisions when necessary. Lastly, the supervisor should have performance reviews with the employee. The reviews should be scheduled regularly and continue until all goals have been obtained or the year has ended.
The success of the performance management cycle is dependent on the ability of the supervisor and the employees to effectively work together. Realistic goals should be established, and strengths and improvements made in once weak areas should be recognized. Most importantly, “employees should be evaluated on their performance not on their personal characteristics”.
3. To make sure I get the right candidate I would interview the candidates and use the elimination process. I would eliminate potential candidates by using their score charts and intense interviews. I would check their records to see how their performance been on their current position. The candidate with the best credentials will get the position.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Good Morning all, I am really trying to make this blogging work for me. I have been trying all morning. Thanks to Tamika, I think I am in business.
ReplyDelete4. I truly feel officers should always stay in shape. I agree with Mindy, officers should physically stay fit and eat healthy daily. You can have a cheat day or two just make up the junk food day by putting in extra exercise or a day you make your day you really eat healthy. If you can't do it on your own join a gym or find a nutrition plan.
4. I think that fitness is so important to carry out the duties and task of an Officer. If you are not healthy then you not may be as efficient as a police officer. I would make it an requirement to do a physical evaluation once every year. I would encourage all officers to work out and stay fit.
ReplyDeleteI am transferring my comments to our group...
ReplyDeleteI should become a pro at this after this over.
Natalie i totally agree with evaluating work habits and examining previous records. I believe the habits they were doing on their previous job, they will continue to do on their potential job.
ReplyDeleteSonya i agree with you about joining a gym if a person cant do it on through the enforcement agency.
ReplyDeleteThe Role of Performance Appraisal Systems
ReplyDeletein Community Policing.
The goals of performance appraisal systems are to ensure employees are aware of the expectations of the agency and asses their action and performance accordingly. To have a successful community policing the agency use their performance appraisal system to reflect community policing measures. In order it to be successful the officer should be familiar with the community and the people who work and live there. Agencies with the system create an instrument so officers know the expectations. The system also points out what areas need training. Supervisors also play a big role in it. Their responsibility is to translate the values of community policing into expectations and then evaluate the officers’ performances in meeting them. A performance appraisal system that reflects community policing can establish the level of service in an agency and it can inform planning, performing, reporting and training.
ReplyDelete1. The psychological fitness-for-duty evaluation
ReplyDeleteFBI Law Enforcement Bulletin,The, August, 2007 by Laurence Miller;col1
If supervisors suspect that personality disorders cause a problem to your performance level as a an FBI Law Enforcer, then coaching, counseling and treatment has failed. They now will give a psychological fitness evaluation. Through this exam agencies hope to determine if the person is psychologically capable of remaining on the job.
Mindy there are a lot of officers today that can not perform up to part do to them being over weight; Example i saw and officer trying to arrest a juvenile, by the time he tried to place the handcuffs on him; the officer was out of breath i wonder why? i found out later that the youth made the officer run three blocks before he was able to catch him.
ReplyDelete2.The factors I would consider on a promotional test are the candidate applying for the position should know the job description. Be able to explain, demonstrate, and provide examples on how to perform the job duties. Have the qualifications needed for the position for example degree, because nowadays a degree weights more than seniority in my opinion. The test will include basic knowledge skills that the candidate should know (from the present position) and skills needed to know for the new position applying for
ReplyDelete3. First of all, evaluate the individual, know their strength and weakness. Identify if the person selected will perform the job well, for example know if they are responsible, and if he/she knows how to resolve things in the job area, report to work on time. Review past evaluation, and extensive background investigation. Recommendations, review the recommendations.
4. Yes, the police officer’s they should be in shape, they have to be in shape to perform their duties, for example if there is a chase and the suspect runs the officers have to run after the guy but if the officer is fat not in shape I think never ever he/she would catch the suspect. I think they should be evaluated once or twice a year so that they understand that they have to be in shape and learn how to eat healthy. The agency should encourage them to stay in shape. Let them know gyms exist so that they can go and work out and have the body needed to perform their duties.
Tyler i agree on encouraging all the officers on working out and staying fit, what about eating healthy? encouage the officers on eating the right foods by allowing them to take a nutrition couse annually and knowing how to not only saying fit, but knowing how to eat heathly also.
ReplyDeleteTemake we all know in this day and time it's about who you know and not what you know! however one needs to know that business is business and they can not become confused about that.
ReplyDeleteMeasuring the Performance of Law Enforcement Agencies
The article is about how evaluations are performed and how they sometimes are not well developed. That not all the info necessary or all the work performs by the officers is not being considered in the evaluations, which sometimes place them in a low job performance evaluation. Michael O’Neill and some colleagues developed the Police Program Performance Measurement system. They included some dimensions to their measurement system: crime prevention, crime control, conflict resolution, general service, police administration, apprehension of offenders, responsiveness of police, guarantee safety in public spaces, reduce criminal victimization just to mention few of their elements considered when performing an evaluation. The article states that police agencies should picture the evaluations out of the box too, because they tent to analyze the information their own way not who the public will interpret their evaluations.
Mindy, I agree with you, officers they have to be in shape to perform their duties. When they re at the academy they are models in excellent shape years after the story is different. That is why I think they have to be encouraged to maintain their shape. The annual physical evolutions should be consider by police agencies.
ReplyDeleteTyler, I agree totally agree with your post for question #3 the elimination process is a good tool because you know what candidates are the good ones for the position until you get to the right one. Also checking their records is excellent because their you can find information that could help decide on the right candidate or provide you with information that could lead you to eliminate a candidate, because of hiding information .
ReplyDeleteTameka and Jackie, I agree with your post it is normal to know that someone got promote because of their friends or influent people they know inside, it’s a shame because most of the time talent people do not get the chance to demonstrate their knowledge and skills for those positions, we are in a world where laws are created and broken at the same time, well this happens everywhere. It’s sad to admit but its reality.
ReplyDeleteHello Jackie, yes you have a lot of individuals that suck-up, brown nose,kiss up to the boss and thinking that some day or one day they will be that special canidate for the positon or promotion.again one needs to know the promotion is base on work performance and qualifications. NOT KISSING-UP TO YOUR BOSS!!!!!!
ReplyDelete4. I believe promotions should stay in-house first. I would evaluate candidate job performance and I agree with Mindy as well check reference inside and community accomplishments. Attendance is important and I would interview the person to make sure goals and missions apply toward the position and the department.
ReplyDeleteDR. Kalam I enjoyed the weekend class i most say that i learned a lot of information pretaining to the cousre in such as short time.
ReplyDeletePS. Do keep up the Good work. God Bless!!!
Everyone do take very good care of your families and yourself!!! May god continue to bless each of you for ever more. and remember do your best and GOD will do the rest.
ReplyDeleteGOD BLESS!
Well kissing up is a waste of time. Speaking for myself no matter what I do promotion is a problem. As long as the job is completed there is no need to promote. I have done it all I even made coffee. Kissie, kisses well I was the donkey...So I stop kissing, no coffee,no party planner, no covering for people behinds. I do my job actually I am the only one that really oversee my office. I work with college students which I enjoy dearly but I stop over do it. I am seeking my degree because i know It will make my life better and when I recieve my BA ????.I hate to say it but it is the truth with my exeperince man are more understanding then woman, its a power thing.
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you, Dr. Kalam, for an informative semester. I like your teaching strategy and i thank you for your expertise on management and policing. I'm looking forward to having another term as your student. Happy Holidays and God Bless.
ReplyDeleteGreat interactions group 1!
ReplyDeleteYou were on target with your postings. Please challenge yourselves to find and summarize the article. It will teach you the value of research and you will benefit in your future studies.
To all-stay focused and persistent and you can accomplish anything.
Happy holidays
Happy Holidays to all. Stay safe.
ReplyDeleteNatalie congrats.
Thanks you Dr. Kalam, see you next semester.
God Bless
Happy Holidays everyone..
ReplyDeleteHope everybody the best. Thanks Dr. Kalam.
God bless you all!!